Advertising Change: Monumetric to Mediavine
November 11, 2016, was the first day A Canadian Foodie had an advertisement on it. It was a big change for me. It was a big change for my readers. I had remained ad-free for 8 years and it seemed like the time to start selling some space on my site as the cost of running my little hobby was beginning to be pricey. With advertising, it is self-sustaining.
Certainly, ad-free sites are more restful. The number of ads on sites these days most definitely detract from my user or reader experience. So, I wanted to explain this decision to change companies and how it will affect you, my reader.
Monumetric stopped paying in a timely fashion. They became impersonal and though very responsive, there were glitches that I was not prepared for. I had asked for ads to be removed, they would be, and then they reappeared. In the end, I just let it go. After a year and 6 months, I was no longer happy with my relationship with that company and started to search for others. Time for an advertising change.
The overwhelming response from all, and many did chime in, was Mediavine. There was an application process which took two to three weeks, and then there was the thirty-day notice I had to give to Monumetric.
Today, I have flipped the switch from Monumetric to Mediavine: the advertising change. I believe it will eventually be a much more mutually beneficial relationship. However, for the first 90 days, it will be a shock to my regular readers. Part of the contract states the first 90 days I have to follow their full on most intensive campaign. That is, have ads inside my posts and even within the recipe. I did not realize this when I accepted the opportunity, but certainly saw it when signing the contract; it certainly gave me pause.
However, 90 days will be a good period of time to see how this saturation of advertising affects my readers. My first reaction and I believe the position I will have in 90 days, is no more in-content ads. But, there certainly will be in-content ads within these next 90 days.
Please hang in there for these 90 days? Tell me how does this advertising change affect your reading experience. Tell me everything. Please provide feedback to me. I know advertising is never a positive experience, but know this 90 days will be the most saturated that this space will be for this short period. It will get better. I promise you.
The reason I do what I do is multi-faceted, but one of the main reasons is to maintain and enhance the experience for the interactive community of readers that reside within the landscape of this website. I never want to lose that.
Hang in there with me?
Hi Valerie! We’re so glad you came to Mediavine and really appreciate the shoutout!
As publishers ourselves, we completely agree that ads aren’t always our favorite, but we also firmly believe that digital content creators should be compensated for all of the wonderful material they create.
We do everything we can to continue improving our ads and avoid doing the things that really interfere with user experience. We’re here to help you find the right balance for you, so if you or anyone has questions, please feel free to contact us at!
We’re looking forward to a great rest of 2018!
— Susannah at Mediavine
I am looking forward to the same, Susannah! Thank you for chiming in! What a great example to set for my readers.
Thank you!