Buns made from the San Francisco sourdough starter I brought home!
There are always homemade buns for every holiday dinner at our house, and now, effortlessly, with my Thermomix. What was more fun for this special dinner was that I used the sour dough starter that I got in San Francisco with on my walking tour with Grace Ann Walden. Here is a little reminder photo about the day I acquired my starter. I was so excited to finally use it. Don’t they buns look like lovely little babies bottoms? They were purrrr-fect!

I used my usual bread recipe and the half of my sour dough starter. I have fed it twice, so there was quite a smelly amount in the bowl. I think I “should have” used it all.
It kneaded perfectly with the recipe and made a lovely dough that almost left the bowl clean. What a perfect little dough ball. It did smell quite sour, Of course, not as sour as the starter, but I was excited.
I always weigh the dough to be sure my buns are equal weight. They bake more evenly that way, and look better. These were small, but perfect dinner roll size, at 2 ounces each.
Twelve minutes after slipping them into the 500 degree oven, voila!
They were so mildly sour, that I was disappointed. I did save the same amount of batter from the dough that I took from the starter and returned it. I will have to read up on how to do this better. But, for our dinner, they tasted like lovely homemade buns. There was a negligable difference when tasted beside the others I baked, but it was fun trying, and I have more to learn. As Always!
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