Taproot Edmonton is a new approach to Edmonton Journalism: Join in!

Image belongs to Taproot Edmonton
Below is the video that Andrea Beça made for Taproot Edmonton. Take a moment to watch it to understand the initiative that Karen Unland and Mack Male have undertaken for our city.
(Special thanks to her and to Wilfred Kozub for letting us use “I’m In Love With The City” by Wilfred N & the Grown Men as the soundtrack.)
Members initiate the stories at Taproot Edmonton. This is a complete reversal of how mainstream media creates its stories. They are not cultivated investigations initiated by community interests or questions, rather investigations or reports directed via organized mainstream media.
Karen Unland and Mack Male have developed and partnered in this new venture to grow a strong and vibrant membership base to provide the opportunity for members to initiate local Edmonton media stories.
I am a member and it will only grow if more members join! At the very least, get informed? Sign up for the weekly newsletter!
Members of this new kind of journalism will be directly funding the journalism via their membership fee. The membership fee supports freelance work. Karen explains, “The mission is to respond to the essential curiosity of our community; ….the members initiate the stories.,,, share your curiosity with us!’
How do things work and why are things the way they are in Edmonton? Make your specific questions known by planting your questions in the Taproot Garden. If that question is nourished and grows into a community question, Taproot will hire a writer to investigate it and tell the story.
Have you already heard of Taproot? Are you a member? Thinking of becoming one? Did you sign up for the weekly updates? Was this new or old information for you?
Just trying to do my part to get the word out for this very capable duo.
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