Canadians do tend to make Resolutions: Canadian Food Bloggers Actually Do Them!

Bridget Oland at Bridget’s Green Kitchen from Rothesay New Brunswick writes about discovering a thriving oyster industry in her province and her resolve to take full advantage of it, especially now that she has a new favourite way to prepare them. Eating more local oysters this year? Now, that is my kind of resolution!
Christine at Manning Canning from Scarborough, Ontario, writes that keeping family traditions alive tops the list of things she wants to accomplish in 2014. For Christine, a lot of these traditions are food related and first on her list is Italian Sweet Bread. Ooo…. I like the idea of selecting specific traditional Canadian Foods and all making the same recipe one month with several other Canadian Food Bloggers. That may be a great idea for Part 2 of this challenge. What do you think?
Carole at The Yum Yum Factor from Toronto, Ontario cracked me up this month as she made a proper roast beef for the very first time. Truly. “I am facing my fissues (issues about fish, long story) and starting off the new year with something that I had been avoiding. I will endeavor to try new things this year, use new ingredients and techniques that are either unfamiliar or out of my comfort zone and I am starting off with a simple roast beef.” And, look at that triumph! For her first time, Carole certainly accomplished and incredible triumph with this goal.

Dan at Dan’s Good Side from Calgary, Alberta, experienced an epiphany while traveling through Europe over the holidays. Though he still needs to learn to say “no”, and has experienced one of the busiest years of his life, it wasn’t until he was away from home on a restful holiday that he reconnected with his fundamental belief about food. Drop by and see what he has to say.
Sarah Galvin at All Our Fingers in the Pie renews her commitment to the food beliefs she holds dear as she sets 14 Food Goals for 2014. Oh, what a read it is.

Mallory at Because I Like Chocolate from Calgary, Alberta says, “No, my resolution is not to eat more ice cream. Although that does sound like a pretty good resolution.” Mallory confesses that she doesn’t believe in New Years resolutions as she works to make positive change throughout the year. That being said, she received an ice cream maker for Christmas, and 2014 shall be the year of frozen treats, beginning with some delicious birthday desserts as there are a fleet of January births in her family. “That’s my resolution and I am sticking to it!”

Jen at The Victorian Food Blog from Victoria, British Columbia, has titled The Food Nerd Podcast Episode 16: A New Years Resolution for Conviviality. Determined to keep conviviality at the centre of her local food consumption, Jen joins together with other local food lovers to democratically decide which local food businesses they resolve to visit in 2014. A great “listen”.
Jacquie at Parkallen Home Kitchen from Edmonton, Alberta says, “Bah, humbug!” to New Year’s Resolutions as she already eats healthy and goes to the gym. Instead, she shares her favourite recipe: Jacquie’s Awesome Nutty Lentil Burgers.
Tiffany at Eating Niagara from St. Catharines, Ontario makes a plea to all food writers and bloggers to stop using the word “best”. A compelling read. The best I’ve read on the topic. (Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
Lesli at True Sustenance resolves to eat more of the good stuff, along with only the best of the “bad stuff”: macarons, brownies and s’mores…
Barbara at My Island Bistro Kitchen from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island takes us on a nostalgic trip down memory lane with her recipe for homemade white bread, the ultimate comfort food. Barbara resolves to continue to make heritage recipes with local Prince Edward Island ingredients.

Photos were magnificent. This year I resolve to read your all your posts.
P.S. I haven’t forgotten that you are interested in some Japanese tomato seeds (aiko). It was you, I’m thinking of, right? My wife was in Japan over Christmas but they weren’t out yet so we have people on it. Will let you know when I have them in hand.
Yes – I am a tomato fiend, will!
Still in Northern Manitoba and in the Public Library hooking up to Wifi.. The warm temperatures have caused havoc on the roads with rain showers..
Imagine that in mid January! Great job Valerie!
Glad to hear you are out and about amidst the slush and muck… yup, climate change is obvious.
Thanks, Marilyn!
G’day Valerie! What a GREAT Round Up project! TRUE!
LOVE Canadian Food Blogger sense of community and almost wish I lived there to participate too!
Spread the word of the wonderful recipes, photos and sites!
An ABSOLUTE delight!
Cheers! Joanne
You must see lots of similarities with Australian food, Joanne?
What a wonderful round up Valerie! That oyster dish has me salivating! Off to check it out. Happy cooking my friend.
Heading to New Brunswick this May, I hope! Oyster Tasting is on my list!
Such a delight to read the variety of submissions. Thanks again for gathering us all to share our ideas.
Hi Valerie! Happy New Year to you!
What a fabulous round-up to start off the new year. Great photos, great food and great clicks to discover new blogs and new friends. The wild rice/mushroom dish (think there were two, actually, loved the look of both) looked divine. I do adore wild rice and ate so much of it when I was growing up in Michigan.
And is there anything better than roasted cauliflower? Yum.
Looking forward to seeing what you’re all going to post this year…will try to visit more often. I miss you!