Garlic Mayonnaise: the perfect compliment to all Summer grilled foods
Looks can be deceiving. In this quiet little bowl of seemingly innocent unctuous velvety mayonnaise, lies a powerful flavour bomb waiting to explode over your palate during Summer grilling season. The salt startles the garlic into an unexpected and wide-eyed arousal amid the comforting foil of the familiar spread. You will raise your brows, kick your heels, sit up straight, and maybe even jump right out of your seat. Then dive immediately back in for the second bite. Ah, the lazy hazy crazy days of summer…. with a little flavour bomb to remind you just how much fun you are truly having.
Of course, you can make this from scratch. Or…. not. Completely depends upon one’s mood, the heat of the day, and how much you really need. I love having little tricks like this one up my sleeve when a little magic is in order to pull of a memorable Summer meal.
Garlic. Salt. Mash with fork.
Mash until the garlic begins to liquefy. See that, above, and below?
Add it into the mayonnaise. Taste. Adjust. Serve. Enjoy!
Or, make the homemade version!

Quick and Easy Cheater Garlic Mayonnaise, or Aioli
Easy, delicious, and economical. Perfect for seafoods, hamburgers or a summer dip.
- 250 mL or 1 cup good quality mayonnaise
- 5 g or 2 garlic cloves (one large one)
- salt (up to 1/2 teaspoon)
Mince garlic; sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt
Mash with fork tongs until liquified; add 1/2 cup mayonnaise
According to your palate, add more garlic mixture, or mayonnaise; I like it strong, so usually all lots of garlic and salt to the mayo, but definitely taste as you go, combining well first, until you hit your sweet spot
Write it down so you can make it again with your eyes closed!
Recipe Notes
Or, make Homemade Garlic Aiolifrom scratch!
I love them both and serve this on hamburgers, Vanja’s favourite grilled chicken sandwich and as a side dip with fresh shrimp. Scrumptious!
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