Evolv Health: January 2019 Halfway There!
Happy New Year! 2019 brings hope, health and much happiness to our home. I hope the same for each of you! Read my reflection after four months into the program here from June 14, 2018, to October 28, 2018. (Password: Evolv )
Now, six months of the Evolv Integrated Health “Total Reboot” and 47 pounds later … I am announcing Project 2019: Valerie’s Personal Evolv Health Story.
Evolv Health Project 2019: Valerie’s Ongoing Evolution
What am I evolving from or to? First and foremost, I was very unhealthy, suffered from a variety of auto-immune diseases, and other ailments including iron deficiency, depression and obesity, when I discovered I was also malnourished. Surprise! Most of this is explained in my reflection after four months into the program here from June 14, 2018, 5o October 28, 2018. I will be posting my ongoing progress from here on in at the beginning of each month.
I will reflect upon
- goals I have achieved and am working to achieve,
- actions I am taking to make them happen,
- my strategies,
- my hardships,
- and my triumphs.
Evolv Health Project 2019: Integrated Health
After 4 months without any taste or “cheat”, I decided it was time to taper myself off of all of my medications. I started one at a time, slowly. This would not be something anyone would advise or promote. This is just what I decided to do and what I did. As I had lived with so many illnesses for so long, I completely believed I would have to “go back” onto some of the medications prescribed by my doctors, but I wanted to “get clean” and eliminate all toxins from my body which included my medications.
I was informed enough and careful enough that if I needed the medication, I took it. Just less often. And then, much less often, until I was off all medications for 4 weeks and some for 6 weeks. That is when I went to my doctor to get blood tests and rechecked for all. That day, ironically, my doctor was ill. No pat on the back for me. Ha! I was looking so forward to hearing his surprise at seeing my weight loss. But, blood work paperwork in hand, off we went to the clinic.
Evolv Health Project 2019: Integrated Health Results
The following day, my doctor made an appointment for me to come in to discuss the results of my tests. I expected a marching band! I expected a standing ovation! I hoped he would say something like, “What have you been doing? Your tests show you are in amazing health!” I did believe I would need to return to some of the medications, but off of them all, was still feeling the best I had felt in years! The results?
An absolute miracle. Seriously, and sincerely. My thyroid was “off the charts” and “I needed to get back on my Synthroid, stat!”. Ok. I expected that. What else? Nothing. Absolutely, nothing. My iron was strong. My cholesterol, fine. A little high, but that happens with a thyroid off the charts. My blood sugars in the normal range: no Diabetes 2!! No Prevacid, except as or when needed and on and on! The only medication I had to take again was the Synthroid!
I have yet to see my pulmonary specialist, but so far, marked improvement there, too. Puffers now, only as needed. Rarely. Coughing almost non-existent, unless the result of a virus. No longer my chronic sleep evading asthmatic cough.
Evolv Health Project 2019: Total Reboot Recipes
I will be posting Reboot Recipes for phase one of the Evolv Integrated Health Total Reboot Program as well as recipes for Phase Two, or the Impact Phase, of the Total Reboot Program monthly throughout 2019. I will be posting specific delicious, nutritious and economical recipes, including step by step instructions with images accompanied by complete nutritional information. Also, each recipe will be added into the recipe database of My Fitness Pal so you can calculate your daily nutritional intake with ease. Using My Fitness Pal has been key for me to balance my daily nutritional intake: 25% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 50% healthy fats.
Evolv Health Project 2019: Total Reboot Fitness
My calorie intake for the first 6 months, due to my sedentary lifestyle has been 1150 calories a day. My physical activity has increased organically the last couple of months due to me feeling terrific. I am also looking to implement a regime of fitness activities that are thoughtful and planned this next 6 months.
Evolv Health Project 2019: Get Your Own Total Reboot Resolution Started!
If you want to join me, let me know in the comments section below. I am holding on-line Saturday morning “Total Reboot Support Sessions” as my husband, my daughter, Ragan, and her best friend, Janet, are joining me starting today, January 1, 2019, for their first Total Reboot! It will be my 7th month in. I did take my first week off, last week. I certainly did not “go crazy”, but I had foods “off the list” every day. Not much, but some. I found it “somewhat enjoyable” and as my house was full of family, definitely easier. However, I have noticed my arthritis in my little finger starting to rear its head again, and that, coupled with my desire to continue to feel vibrant, healthy, able and strong as well as the possibility to lose more weight is all of the motivation I need right now.
Everyone has their story. This is mine. I am still living inside of it and will be sharing it with you as it unfolds in 2019. Happy to have you join in, too! Happy, Happy New Year to you!
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