EVOLV HEALTH MARCH 2019: February Report
Oh, my goodness! I have lost a total of 66.5 pounds! Now, I realize I wasn’t writing blog posts reporting my weight gain during those dreary years, so it seems a little unfair that I am celebrating and shamelessly with you each month! But, dance with me! Woot! Who knew? Not me. I never-ever-ever imagined the remote possibility that I could lose any weight again. Thanks to Evolv Health Total Reboot Program! What a life changer.
And feel better? Oh, my! There is another happy dance in the works! Oh, I hear the music now and I rise! I cannot help myself! My feet are tapping. My hands are clapping. What joy! What a precious gift good health is. I did not know that when I had it, but how I cherish and appreciate it now.
Thank you, Marcy, for reaching out somewhat brashly. (That is my story, anyway!) Oh, if you had not, where would I be now? It likely took you courage. This walk, too, has taken much courage from me. However, the health benefits out-weigh the inevitable downside: “I cannot eat this or that”. It really is not a struggle. I have come to understand that eating certain things in the manner that I used to, makes me sick. And with this knowledge, it is not difficult.
Age. Oh, glorious age. When I had my babies, I protruded and waddled. Each was born, and my skin shrunk back into its rightful position. The fat melted away. All was right with the world. Oh, youth.
Now? Ha! No! Hahahahaha- HAHA! I have skin that is folding neatly all over my body in waves of wrinkles because it doesn’t know what to do or where to go. Yup. My skin has Alzheimer’s! That’s what happens with weight loss and age. But, it’s fine. I don’t expect to find that “me” that used to be.
I never imagined this kind of weight loss after 8 months. I did imagine I would be on the program for many months after the first 10 days due to remarkable physical health improvement, so this part is not the surprise. The surprise is the weight loss. That is an average of 1.68 pounds a week. Considering that I plateaued 2 months due to my thyroid issues, those results are spectacular. Moreover, feed my soul with hope, light and life each day.
Evolv Health February 2019: What’s Cooking
Ragan and I continue to get together two to three Tuesdays a month to make cheesy egg cups and main keto meals for the freezer. I haven’t published nearly as many as we’ve made and eaten as we work to develop delicious recipes together. We don’t publish anything unless we love it. The Keto Reboot Lasagna Recipe begs publishing, but I need great images so that will have to wait. However, these meatballs and Vanja’s Breakfast are both hits!
Vanja’s Breakfast
Here are some Homemade Cheese recipes already on my site that will work perfectly with this program:
- Homemade Quark Cheese
- Homemade Ricotta: Creamy and Dry
- Homemade Creme Fraiche
- Homemade Yogurt
- Homemade Yogurt Cheese Balls
- Homemade Boursin Cheese
I use My Fitness Pal to determine the fat, protein and carbohydrate portions of each recipe by simply uploading the recipe ingredients into it. Images from these recipes will be featured below in the “Struggles” section.
EVOLV HEALTH February 2019: The Saturday Morning Support Group
And I am not the only one succeeding in the weight loss area!
- Ragan has lost 37.2 pounds in 8 weeks; 4.65 pounds a week average
- Vanja has lost 21.5 pounds in 8 weeks; 2.69 pounds a week average
- Janet is has lost 14 pounds in 8 weeks; 1.75 pounds a week average
- Diana has lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks; 2 pounds a week average
Everyone is tickled with their loss. Well, tickled might be an overstatement for Diana and Janet. Janet is very hard on herself and I think she has been doing swimmingly considering the challenges she faces… and she’s still hanging in! Diana only had 20 to lose and that is always the hard part. She is very pragmatic and is completely satisfied with getting back on track and being headed in the right direction.
And that’s just the weight part. This is really not about weight loss and weight loss is not a necessary component of the Evolv Health Total Reboot Program. The opportunity is there if you need to lose weight to follow that weight loss path. However, the primary purpose of the program is to reboot your gut health, to rid your body of the pathogens that live in your gut and to revitalize and properly nourish every cell within your physical being so you can be the best version of you.
Talk about Revitalization. Everyone has been consistently noting improvements in movement or sleep or alertness. Any of the ailments each of us came into the program with have been noticeably put in check.
- Ragan has noted:
- no more water retention
- a dramatic decrease in joint pain (which was definitely interfering with the quality of her life)
- increased limb mobility
- painless “womanly cycles” (used to be debilitating)
- better sleep patterns – uninterrupted sleep – and a feeling of having slept in the morning
- Vanja has noted:
- better sleep patterns – uninterrupted sleep – and a feeling of having slept in the morning
- instant energy in the morning as compared to that previously needed hour to warm up to the day
- more and considerable improvement in his joint pain within 10 days into this program (Vanja has Psoriatic Arthritis and had started Humira in November, 2 months before Evolv Health Total Reboot Humira was very helpful with elevating his pain, too, but the relief increased considerably with this program)
- regular and consistent gut health exercise which is another gift for him
- Janet has noted:
- improvement in her joint pain, particularly her knees
- better sleep patterns – uninterrupted sleep – and a feeling of having slept in the morning
- Diana has noted:
- blood sugar levels lowest they’ve ever been. AIC 5.4. which is normal (great news as she is diabetic and her doctor was “blown away”)
- cholesterol, blood pressure, and a daily dose aspirin are no longer necessary (per Doctor after blood tests)
- energy in the morning as she feels rested when she wakes which is sustained through the day (no more afternoon naps)
- sleeping better
- brain fog has lifted
- stomach is flatter, clothes fit better and she’s no longer bloated which she was after every meal
Neither Ragan or Janet have had their blood tested and both need to do that to really know what is going on with their health.
Evolv Health February 2019: Struggles and Homemade Cheeses
Each of us struggles. Then we confess. We rally to support one another and then each of us thrives.
Ragan fights her desire to stop in at a drive-thru when on the road in the evening, but so far, has succeeded. She actually made it to the window one time, then just ordered a coffee. Bravo, Ragan. Habits and the memories of those satiating moments are very hard to break free from.

These homemade yogurt cheese balls are DEEEE-LICIOUS!!!
Vanja was away in Palm Desert golfing the first week of February and did his best to stick to the program with daily restaurant eating. For the most part, he found them accommodating. He lost 1 pound which I think is terrific under such circumstances but he was disappointed due to all the exercise. Though the first month he was completely satiated and really surprised he was never hungry this month, it appears his metabolism has been boosted considerably as he finds he is sometimes not satisfied with his evening meal and remains hungry. He admits he is not really hungry after he adds his shake or bar and remaining snacks into the mix. It is that his craving is there for salty snacks and wants more volume for his evening meal. He used to only eat lunch and dinner. Both were hefty. Then he’d snack all evening on seeds or popcorn or pretzels and such. So, though Month One was satisfying, he is struggling this month with wanting “more”, and though he does get and eat “more” and is full, the “more” he wants he cannot have as it would be “more” meat or a bigger main dish for dinner.
Janet doesn’t cook or like cooking. She just doesn’t have experience doing it and that in itself interferes with her ability to be creative. She has always bought her meals, including her evening meal, and brought it home. She is making more foods herself to ensure the quality of food and to “stick to the program” but it is very hard as sticking to a program is one thing, but changing the way you live your life to do it, is another. She doesn’t like some of the products and most days only eats one bar. She doesn’t like the Shakes or the Fix, so doesn’t drink them.
Diana craves carbs. Bread has always been her weakness, but she is acutely aware of her triggers and stays clear of them. She is very disciplined. However, this month, her appetite also increased and she found herself opening and closing the fridge looking for that somethin’ somethin’ that just wasn’t there. She wasn’t hungry, yet she was…
We all need to get exercise! Ragan and I had committed to getting out right after I returned home mid-month. But, so cold. Oh, we found excuses! Vanja got out for one walk, and then Ragan and I have started and Vanja has as well. Walking the mall like the “old people” Ragan says. She recalls, in her youth, seeing the seniors in the mall walking in the early mornings as she would catch her bus for school. Yup. That’s us. It feels good!
Sharing these struggles in our Saturday Morning Support Group enables understanding and support as each of us struggles with our own issues. Sharing them, diminishes the struggle and supports the process.
Eating sugar and grain free certainly has contributed to my health and well being. Some have said to me, “Well, no wonder you’re feeling better! Anyone would, not eating sugar or grains!” Yes. That is true. Diana would be the first to attest to that truth as she was sugar-free and grain free for 2 years before joining us. That comment is usually followed by this question, “How do you know any of those supplements help at all?” Just ask Diana. She has been on the program only 8 weeks, an adult diabetic, and her blood sugars are now normal. That never happened during her two years of eating sugar and grain free. It happened because of the supplements in the Evolv Health Total Reboot Kit. You will find my answers to these questions as you read my initial story and those following, below. The greatest contributor to me being off all of my medications and feeling as revitalized and youthful as I do is the combination of these whole food supplements coupled with the healthy eating that has brought me from a malnourished, lethargic, morbidly obese, sedentary woman to a fierce force filled with hope and gratitude!
- Read my reflection after four months into the program from June 14, 2018, to October 28, 2018. (Password: Evolv ), and further reflections:
- January 2019 update introducing Evolv Health Project 2019.
- February 2019 update reflecting upon January’s progress and introducing Saturday Morning Support Group
- Each month, in the above reflections, I am posting updates of my progress for this project and reflecting upon
- goals I have achieved and am working to achieve,
- actions I am taking to make them happen,
- my strategies,
- my hardships,
- and my triumphs.
- Now that there are 4 others on this journey with me, in the monthly update, as they provide it, I am also including information about each regarding
- weight loss,
- health benefits,
- successes and
- struggles.
Evolv Health February 2019: My Evolution
February 7 I found myself en route to Salt Lake City Utah for Prince William’s 4th birthday! Oh, how I love visiting my littles. Eleanor will be 2 April 28 and William was 4 on February 12. What fun we had!

Grandma Nan, William, Gramsy
I am no stranger to being away while on the Total Reboot program. February was month 8. I have been to Salt Lake City, Chicago, Palm Desert and Las Vegas since November. That’s a very busy few months with weeks away from home base meal planning headquarters. Only my second visit to Salt Lake City, of all trips, proved difficult. Why and what I learned?
Pack enough food to make it work.
Evolv Health February 2019: Join Us
If you want to join me, let me know in the comments section below. I am holding on-line Saturday morning “Total Reboot Support Sessions”
Everyone has their story. This is mine. I am still living inside of it and will be sharing it with you as it continues to unfold through 2019.
Disclaimer: I have not been hired by anyone or paid in any way to share my personal Total Reboot Gut Health Story. (password: Evolv)
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